The 63rd Veterinary Pathology Workshop will be held on March 30 (Thu) and 31 (Fri), 2023 as a Slide Forum of the 10th ASVP / the 10th JCVP Joint Conference.
1. Presence or absence of submission
An institution that wishes to submit a specimen and present the case at the forum, both the priority institutions and non-priority institutions, should contact to the 63rd Slide Forum Office through email ( ) by November 18 (Fri), 2022.
2. Submission of an abstract
An institution that wants to provide a specimen should submit an abstract in the conventional format to the Office through email by December 16 (Fri), 2022.
* Deadline of submitting a specimen and an abstract manuscript are different.
3. Submission of specimen
An institution that wants to provide a specimen must send five (5) HE-stained specimens (if adding special stained specimens or specimens of different parts, please contact to the Office) by January 6 (Fri), 2023. The specimen slides are sent in a specimen box or a slide mailer and further packed with damage protection.
・The number of specimen slides submitted by an institution will be five (5), and one (1) of which will be designated to make a virtual slide (VS).
・The "Diagnosis Form" is also submitted to the Office by mid-March 2023.
4. VS license
An institution that requests a VS license should contact to the 63rd Slide Forum Office through email by January 20 (Fri) February 9(Thu), 2023. The VS license fee is 15,000 yen.
License ID and PW will be distributed free to priority institutions and institutions that will deliver a presentation.
5. Payment Method for VS licenses
Please transfer the fee to the bank account specified by the 10th JCVP Scientific Meeting Office below.
Account number: 0941407
Branch code: 257
SWIFT CORD: BOTKJPJT (8-digits), BOTKJPJTXXX (11-digits)
6. Contact
Laboratory of Veterinary Pathology, Nippon Veterinary and Life Science University, 1-7-1 Kyonan-cho, Musashino-shi, Tokyo 180-8602 JAPAN
email: TEL: 0422-31-4151