JCVP (Japanese College of Veterinary Pathologists)
Japanese College of Veterinary Pathologists (JCVP) is an organization board-certified
pathologists that has been setting the standard for veterinary pathology
since 1991. The purpose of JSVP/JCVP activities is to dedicate the advanvement
and sharing of the knowledge concering every veterinary pathology feild
and furthering technical skill of diagnostic pathology based on updated
better scientific information by promoting annual meeting including several
educational programs and publishing quarterly newsletters. The ultimate
aim of JSVP/JCVP is to develop and protect animal and human welfare for
the betterment of society.
About us; please see PDF! updated oct.17, 2019
JCVP Office
Toshinori Yoshida
Lab of Veterinary Pathology
Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, Japan
Saiwai-cho, Fuchu-city, Tokyo,183-8509
E-mail: jcvp@m2.tuat.ac.jp